Te Reo Māori Integration For Professionals
Moko Kauri recognises and upholds the mana of te reo Māori and offers te reo and tikanga Māori integration for your professional needs
Te reo integration is the understanding that te reo Māori can be better utilised and understood by being embedded and normalised within your organisation.
Moko Kauri aims to develop and strengthen the education and corporate workforce to integrate te reo Māori into the lives and learning of every being in Aotearoa.

Our Diverse Offerings
We extend our support and guidance to organisations eager to normalise te reo Māori. We deliver translation services for organisations wanting to include te reo in their business reports and marketing. We are also a Ministry of Education approved PLD provider supporting schools in creating tailored reo plans, from foundational reo acquisition through to language growth and development support.
Experience bespoke services, meticulously crafted for those who want to embrace a Kaupapa Māori approach. We facilitate strategic visioning, planning, and communications development, allowing you to navigate your journey with clarity and purpose. We also deliver contextually relevant mātauranga Māori workshops to deepen understandings.
Explore our array of both tangible and digital assets. Collaborating with the Ministry of Education, we have produced more than 25 books dedicated to te reo o Te Hiku and contributed to the development of various wānanga and educational materials catering to all proficiency levels of te reo Māori.